Imagine accomplishing your most important goals and consistently being able to celebrate these achievements? Sure, you have TONS of goals and you manage to make some progress here and there, but LIFE always happens and distractions can get you off track.
The Ready, Set, Goals Planner is designed to help you stay on track even if you have a hectic and busy life.
Since this planner is only for tracking specific goals, it’s much easier to get back on track after distractions happen.
The Ready, Set, Goals Planner comes with extra pages for brainstorming your annual goals and then prioritizing your top 3 goals each quarter. With dated monthly calendars and extra Quarterly review pages, you can track your progress on each goal as well as breaking out the tasks and baby steps involved to reach those goals.
Just look at everything you could do with these pages!

With the Ready, Set, Goals Planner, you can:
- Get Laser focused on your most important goals – There are pages to brainstorm and then choose just 3 top goals per quarter.
- View the Big Picture on where your goals fall within the year with our 12 monthly boxes page that makes it easy to visualize.
- Breakout your Top 3 goals into smaller and achievable tasks with the Project Planner and Goal Tracker pages.
- Assign your tasks to Weeks 1 – 4
- This planner works fine even if you don’t like using specific dated deadlines – the tasks get done when you choose, so you don’t feel tied down to the planner, you just know the next steps and big picture.
- Comes with 2022 Dated calendars so you can use this to track key dates, but you don’t have to tie the goals to specific dates.
- Each month calendar comes with an extra page for important notes for the month.
Extra pages can help you prioritize!
Choosing the top 3 priorities is difficult for multi-talented and multi-passionate people! Sometimes there is just so much that you want to do, but the great thing about this planner is you can write all those goals and then table the goals that didn’t make the top 3 for the next Quarters goal or review page.
By knocking out 3 goals at a time, before tackling the next set of goals, you will accomplish them all much faster than if you try to do a little bit of work on 10 different goals at the same time.
For the planner who is afraid to commit:
This planner is great for people who do NOT like to outline or commit to what they’re going to do every hour or every day. If the thought of filling out a daily schedule or setting deadlines for yourself seems stifling, this planner does not come with hourly or weekly schedule pages. So you are just getting the pages that you want to use for setting your goals.
The goal planner pages are generic enough that while you can outline steps within a goal or tasks that need to happen over 4 different weeks – they can be applied to any 4 weeks. Each quarter there are extra pages to review where you are at with those goals, setting new goals if needed and planning out the months ahead. The dated monthly pages are great when they are only used for specific goals vs. a general weekly planner that gets filled with all personal and business appointments (I use one of those too, but keep it separate from the goal planner).
When you have too many ideas!
If you are a creative, you probably only work on things when your creative juices are flowing and you can’t always force that! This planner doesn’t become something that you dread as you try to force yourself to accomplish your goals. Instead, the Ready, Set, Goals Planner can assist you in staying on track without boxing you into set dates.
While other planners are filled with pages and pages of how to set goals and have you filling out tons of questions, this planner is simple and straightforward – all that’s needed is you – writing out your goals!
Once you decide on your Top 3 goals, the momentum is just starting. Grab a copy of this Goal Planning Workbook right on Amazon so you can start building that momentum today.