Design a Sales Commission program that rewards performance
This template is designed to help you determine how to pay your sales personnel through commission targets and goals. This specific template will look at Quota Attainment to help calculate actual payouts.
1st – Understand how to set your commission percentages and goals for you sales staff
2nd – Easily calculate your commission payouts, with pre-set formulas so you just fill out your data ,
Easily determine commission targets and goals
This method looks at the Total Target Compensation and Pay Mix between base pay and incentive pay to come up with the incentive targets (PDF directions included). The template guides you in determining the Sales Volume targets, thresholds and exceptional performance levels, and how to translate that into a base pay and commission structure.

After filling out the information in green cells, the template will summarize the earnings potential and recommended commission targets:

Model or Calculate the Commission Payouts
After everything has been set in the Determine Commission pages, you are all set to record the actual sales volumes that will calculate commission payouts. For each employee, you can model or calculate up to 12 different sales volume results. So this can be used monthly, with a new row for each month, or quarterly, etc.

The details page can also be used to model what the payout would be at different sales volumes, as shown in example above.
The spreadsheet works with up to 20 employees and there are 2 pages per salesperson:
Page 1 – Determine Commission – to set the targets and goals
Page 2 – Employee Details – to calculate the commission
Plus a summary page that will pull everything together:

Template details
This template can be used for up to 20 employees in 1 file, however you can save as many different versions of the file as needed. The cells are color-coded for ease of use and the PDF directions also provide more clarity on the different sales comp terminology, typical guidelines per position type and how to use the template.
Each purchase will come personalized with a name or the company name of your choice. All templates are to be used by the company bought for only and are not to be distributed outside the organization.
You will receive the Excel spreadsheet, along with PDF directions via email within in 24 hours, but usually within the same day.
Custom Changes – Feel free to review the customization options here. My background is in Compensation/HR. I earned the CCP (certified compensation professional) in 2014 and PHR in 2004, the CSCP (Certified Sales Compensation Professional) in 2020. I have 15+ years experience working in Compensation and would love to help.
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