Using a monthly budget worksheet can be a great way to manage your money and help you determine what you’re spending too much on. By seeing the big picture of how much you spend in various categories, it can help you better plan for the future and set savings goals.
This template can help you save time when budgeting in 2 big ways-
- The template contains several tabs/worksheets that are all linked together in the main summary worksheet. This saves you time by only having to enter an expense once.
- When you have a standard expense that is the same every month, you only have to enter it 1 time and the amount is automatically populated for all 12 months. You will also see the annualized income and expenses when all 12 months are populated.
The standard expenses listed on the main budget page include these below, but you can easily change them –
- Mortgage or Rent
- Car Payment
- Insurance
- Phone Bill
- Internet Bill
- TV/ Cable
- Utilities
- Electricity
The variable expenses totals will show on the main budget page, but you will enter all variable expenses into the individual variable expenses pages. There will be 1 page for each –
- Grocery
- Eating out / Entertainment
- Vehicle Related
- Miscellaneous
Within each of these pages, you can assign sub-categories (up to 24). You can easily add more subcategories if needed. The 4 main categories will appear in the first picture (the main budget tab) as the total per category. All subcategories will sum up in a category summary worksheet.
You will receive an Excel Spreadsheet and PDF directions, available for instant download right after you purchase. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
See more budget templates here.