Easily track your rental income and expenses
Whether you manage short term or long term rental properties, this template will help with tracking the rental income and expenses, including all the main expense categories needed for reporting taxes, plus the capability to easily add your own expense categories.
See an example demonstration of the Landlord template:
The template is set up so that each property will have it’s own page which is linked to the main summary page. The template starts with a 5 property version, and goes up to an 80 property version upgrade.
Each Individual Property page contains 3 sections:
Section #1: The Individual Property Summary – Will contain a monthly summary of income and expenses and if you scroll down you will see the total expenses by category. These are all based on what you enter in the sections mentioned below.
Section #2: Rental Income Section – This is where you can enter your rental income and any fees. For each payment you receive, you will enter the amount paid, date, customer name, etc. There is also a place to enter any remaining amount due and the due date. Also, more for short term rentals, you will be able to enter the start and end dates for when they will be renting and any extra notes or comments.

Section #3: Rental Expenses Section – This next section to the right is where you can enter any expenses related to the property. There is a place to enter the expense description, date and amount, as well as a drop down list with 14 categories that match those categories used for tax purposes.

*You will be able to add up to 8 of your own expense categories to the expense category drop down list (directions included).
Main Summary Page
The main summary page will show the annual totals for each property for the annual rental income, and expenses per category. You won’t actually enter anything in the summary page. Underneath each property name, you can click on the link and it will take you to that properties detail page (or you can click on the tabs at the bottom of the worksheet).

Bonus Page
For versions 10 property and up, there is an extra bonus page to add standard expenses. This is for expenses that are the same amount every month, such as maintenance fees. Simply enter the monthly amount once and it will automatically populate for all 12 months.

FREE Upgrade feature with Remaining Balance
With the Remaining Balance upgrade version, the file will have a place to enter any late fees, and will calculate the monthly balance of rent/fees due, when the rent is not paid in full. This is a great feature if you have a long term/monthly rental. NEW in 2023 – you will receive BOTH versions – with and without remaining balance tracking!

*Each page is already set to print. The 3 sections within each properties page will print as 3 separate pages for each section. Summary prints on 1 page.
You will receive an Excel Spreadsheet and a PDF file with directions. You will receive this through email.
*You do not have permission to distribute or re-sell the template, so please don’t do it.
*All templates come personalized with your name or company name.
*The cells with formulas come protected to prevent them from accidentally getting deleted, which could cause the template to not work as described. If you would like to make changes to the formulas, you can add the unprotected version here:
If you aren’t sure which rental template to get, this video covers all the options:
See more rental property management templates here
Want to try a free rental template?
Download a rental property improvement tracker: