This income source tracking template makes it easy to track your income sources in excel!
You’ll be able to track 7 different income source types, across 5 categories or pages, which you can label and name the income types and the pages to fit your specific situation.
The current version is set to work with 5 clients, 5 projects or 5 properties, depending on which version you go with. You will be able to label each page, but it’s already set up so that each page can be a specific Client, Project or Rental property.
You will be able to name each income type, in the first page and then it automatically gets added to the other 5 pages, summary and the drop down lists. When entering your income details, you’ll select which income type each applies to from the drop down list. The summary will then add up the totals for you.
Below are examples of the monthly summary on the 1st page of each version:
Check out the demo video:
For Projects Tracking:
If you are tracking projects and want to track the different income sources per project, this version will work great for that. Maybe you have a construction project but want to track the income received up front, or payments related to specific parts of that project. The above example is a clubhouse or country club that is tracking different income sources for their restaurant, weddings and golf income sources.
For Client Tracking:
If you have 5 clients and provide different types of support – you could track each type of service as an income source. The summary will add up your totals per service, across all clients and individually.
For Rental Property Tracking:
This also works great for rental properties if you want to track your rental income vs. your cleaning fee income, as well as any other type of income you collect from your rental properties. So this could also be a food and beverage income, pet deposit income, payments that go towards cable, maintenance fees, etc.
Expenses Tracking
You’ll see this has been set up to be extremely flexible, so that you can customize it to your specific situation. Besides tracking any 7 income sources, this template will also track any 22 expense categories that you can add/edit. The expenses section works the same way, you can add your own expense categories into the 1st page, then they will automatically get added into all the other pages, summary page and drop down lists. Then when you go to enter the expense details, you’ll simply select which category to apply it to in the drop down list.
The ability to add more income sources and/or more pages to track more clients/project/rentals, can be added upon request for an upgrade fee.
See more rental property templates here.
See more small business templates here.
You will receive an Excel Spreadsheet and a PDF file with directions via email. Upon request I can send an Open office version.
*You do not have permission to distribute or re-sell the template, so please don’t do it.
Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thanks for your interest in a template!
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