If you sell on Amazon handmade, this template is going to help you get your sales and expenses organized so you can see your total profit, and you can easily add in sales from other venues besides amazon.
The best feature about this template is the ability to easily import your Amazon handmade sales and fees, rather than having to enter them individually. There is also an option to upgrade to the etsy or paypal versions, so you can easily get sales and fees from those venues, all in 1 file.
The file consists of 1 main summary page, which is linked to several other pages where you will enter your data, or import by copying and pasting a csv that you can download (directions included). The summary page will include all the sales and expenses, and show your total profit (or loss), as well as a profit or loss related to shipping income and shipping labels purchased. Specifically these will be linked from your amazon csv: Amazon Sales, Shipping income, Shipping labels purchased and transaction fees. Directions are included for downloading your Amazon csv.
*You can upgrade to the monthly summary version, which will include a 1 page summary for each month, as well as the annual summary page.
You will be able to enter all your expenses in several categories, however for your fees and shipping labels will be pulled from the amazon handmade csv. Several expense categories included are supplies, packaging materials, education and training, other expenses and other fees.
A version with a few more extra expense categories is available upon request, or you can upgrade to the monthly version which includes more expense categories.
If most of your sales come from Amazon, etsy or paypal, you won’t have to be entering many sales individually, but there is an extra page where you can enter sales that occur outside these venues.
-Annual/running total version (original) – has 1 summary page showing the annual or running total for everything. For use with Amazon handmade and paypal.
-12 monthly summaries – includes 1 page for the annual and 12 more summary pages for each month and has 2 extra expense categories. Also includes a summary of tax collected.
– Etsy Seller option – both options are available with an extra page to import the Etsy sales and fees. This includes etsy listing and transaction fees, etsy sales and shipping income, and shipping labels purchased.
To buy the Etsy only version see here.
The template will total your Amazon Sales, Shipping income, Shipping labels purchased and transaction fees, from your Amazon handmade csv. Directions are included for downloading your Amazon csv.
You will receive via email, an Excel Spreadsheet and a PDF with directions. Will work with all version MS Excel. Templates come personalized with your name and/or shop name.
*This file is not meant to provide tax advice. This template is just a way to summarize data from your CSV reports.
*You do not have permission to distribute or re-sell the template, so please don’t do it.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
See more general business templates here.